Immy is an emerging virtual reality glasses product that wanted to establish a brand identity and campaign. The Immy utilizes a unique technology called N.E.O (Natural Eye Optics), which allows for a safer and richer AR/VR user experience.
caregiver recruitment
ComForCare was looking for a campaign to not only recruit new caregivers, but also serve as an educational tool to better understand what it means to be a caregiver.

the challenge
Caregivers perform a variety of tasks for those with advanced age or disabilities such as housework, grocery shopping, bathing and sometimes just being a comforting presence in a lonely home. But there was a "caregiver crisis" in the home care industry and ComForCare was having trouble finding interested candidates.

Because the "caregiver crisis" also affected their competitors, we had to stand out in a landscape of cheesy superheroes, elderly having their hands held, and grandma-types eating jello.
audience insights
To better understand ComForCare's potential candidates, we also wanted to understand where they already worked.

have worked
in fast food

have worked
in retail
what propelled our creative forward
1. We would demonstrate the differences between a mundane career and one with purpose.
2. We would debunk preconceived ideas canadates may have about what it means to be a caregiver.

meant for more
Each one of us has been given amazing talents, skills and passions. We aren't meant to take orders from the sidelines. We were made to love, to give and help one another. We were made to care.

activation idea
We would use Snapchat geofilters to grab the attention of our potential candidates by targeting them while they worked.

caregiver in you
With a career in caregiving, you have an opportunity to embrace the unique and special attributes that make you, you. What's more, you'll use what's already great about you to better the lives of others.

activation idea
To tap into the natural qualities a potential caregiver might already possess, we proposed creating special parking spots to either those already in the field or to show others how they are already qualified.

Sound like you?
Become a caregiver at ComForCare.
Sound like you?
Become a caregiver at ComForCare.
Sound like you?
Become a caregiver at ComForCare.
