Immy is an emerging virtual reality glasses product that wanted to establish a brand identity and campaign. The Immy utilizes a unique technology called N.E.O (Natural Eye Optics), which allows for a safer and richer AR/VR user experience.

vhp for life
Valley Health Plan is health insurance provider that services residents of Santa Clara County, California. The objective of this campaign was to leverage the previous year's to further to further drive awareness of VHP and its offer of having the lowest cost on health plans.
The "VHP For Life" campaign set the stage by encouraging their audience to live life freely, without fear and without regrets. This campaign magnifies that sentiment with a strong focus on adventure. Adventures are measured in moments, big and small. The "Adventures" campaign pays homage to all the times in life we make large strides, even if it’s as simple as letting go of something or someone. It reminds the people of Santa Clara County, no matter where they are or where they're going in life, VHP has their back.

San Jose is home to an array of ethnicities such as Vietnamese, Hispanic, Asian Indian many more. VHP makes great strides to recognize all cultures through their marketing by appealing to the interests and lifestyles that are important and relevant to those they serve, understanding that which may appeal to one culture, may not to another.


web banners

process work
During this next phase of "VHP For Life", VHP wanted to produce a branding spot as the lead element of their campaign. This deck features our team's initial TV pitch and a preliminary shot list of supplementary photography ideas to coincide with the adventures theme.

Once production began, I led a set design crew in helping to bring our vision to life. Set design and wardrobe played a crucial role in translating an authentic culture-driven experience.